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Cancer Research UK Giving Page

Together we are beating cancer


Lyle's Pink October 2021

Total raised


+ £2,074.88 Gift Aid

295%% Complete
295% of the £10,000.00 target

Lyle Taylor’s Pink October Challenge has raised £49K since 2018, please continue to support!

Our story

Thank you to everyone who has supported my Pink October campaign over the past 3 years. Thanks to this support the campaign has raised a staggering £49,000 for Cancer Research UK, which is absolutely amazing. This will be my 4th year supporting Cancer Research UK and the need for support has never been more urgent. Although the COVID restrictions have been lifted the impact of Covid is still being felt. According to Cancer Research UK, an estimated 3 million fewer people were screened for cancer between March and September last year. As a result, that means around 9,200 fewer patients started treatment in England alone, and 45,000 fewer cancer patients were diagnosed or treated between March 2020 and March 2021. There were 330,000 fewer GP urgent referrals between March 2020 and March 2021, 13% down on the previous 12 months, creating a backlog that over-stretched staff are now trying to deal with. Almost three in 10 cancer patients had their treatment disrupted by Covid, according to a recent survey by Cancer Research UK – and many are still delaying seeking advice over a fear of burdening the NHS and there is a real fear that cancer survival rates will decline for the first time. My reasons for supporting Cancer Research UK stay the same. In my family, 3 of my grandparents have suffered with bowel and prostate cancer. Thankfully, they have survived it and are healthy and enjoying their lives to the fullest extent. My aunt's mum and nan's best friend both had breast cancer and unfortunately passed away. Raising money towards cancer research is something that is important to me, simply because I've seen people so close to me suffer and, in the worst cases, lose that fight. I am using the colour PINK, which is associated with Breast Cancer and the month of October, Cancer Awareness Month to raise awareness and money for Cancer Research UK. During the month of October, I will, as a professional footballer for Nottingham Forest, wear pink football boots and dye my hair pink, hoping that this will create a visual aid and a buzz that will encourage people to donate and, in future, run their own fundraising activities.

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Total raised£29,525.98

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

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