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Cancer Research UK Giving Page

Together we are beating cancer


Live Life to the Max

Total raised


+ £455.50 Gift Aid

80%% Complete
80% of the £75,000.00 target

'LIVE LIFE TO THE MAX' FUNdraising page A whole host of Charitable events by LLTTM for Cancer Research UK because we are all supporting our good friend Max White.

Our story

This is the new home page for all events carried out in the memory of Max White, through his charity Live Life To The Max. All proceeds go to Cancer Research UK. Cancer has touched so many people in so many ways so if you are willing and able to offer your help & assistance with any of our events or you wish to hold an event/fund raise yourself then please do not hesitate to get in contact with us via our Facebook page - Live Life to the Max or you can email Simon on Max's story ......... On16 Dec 2013 Max was told the devastating news that he had Kidney Cancer. Following further tests, scans and a biopsy it was found that the cancer had already spread to his liver and more crucially to his bones, defining his condition as Stage 4 advanced and therefore inoperable and incurable. Max's treatment plan did not involve surgery, instead he was immediately offered palliative radiotherapy to relieve pain in his spine before being put on a form of TKI Chemotherapy called Sutent. After 4 full cycles of this drug (around 6months) his treatment was stopped as he had to undergo 2 minor operations to remove some rather painful abscesses. During this period off the medication a scan revealed small signs of progression in the liver so it was time to review the treatment plan. After a failed attempt to get onto a new trial drug at The Royal Marsden, a new drug was administered in September 2014 called Axitinib. The side effects began to settle down after a few weeks and a scan was set for before Xmas 2014 to establish a further benchmark. December 2014 results were delivered by a new consultant, Dr Roy Vergis The results were positive in that they showed no further spread or significant growth of cancer over the past 6 months meaning that Axitinib was doing its job!! Max was able to look forward to a positive Xmas with his family and continue with the treatment plan until his next review in April 2015. April 2015 - Another visit to see the consultant, Dr Vergis and the scan results were showing that, in the whole, things were remaining stable with one or two areas that needed constant monitoring. However the good news is that treatment continues so that will mean a 9th, 10th and 11th cycle on Axitinib before the next review at the end of June and Max can continue to manage the known side effects of this treatment he understands so well. Max continued to 'Live Life to the Max' despite the challenges he faced through his illness as well as dealing with the ongoing side effects caused by the treatment. Sadly Max succumbed to his illness on August 17 2015. He died peacefully in Hospital with his Daughter, Mother and Brother by his side. I myself was at his side for his final moments. We continue to raise money for this deserving cause in Max’ name, his Legacy is so very important to us all.

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Total raised£60,267.80

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

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