Team page

Team Hunting

Total raised


+ £401.25 Gift Aid

334%% Complete
334% of £500.00 target
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We're raising as much as we can to beat cancer


Thank you for taking the time to visit “Team Huntings“ Cancer Research Giving page. Michael, his daughter Amanda O'Connor and three of his grandchildren Sophie, Liam and Natasha are taking part in a 5K Race for Life at Victoria Park Leicester on July 9th to raise money for Cancer Research. Michael, who is currently battling cancer, has been receiving the most incredible treatment, care and support from all the wonderful doctors and nurses at the Leicester Royal Infirmary, so we are asking you to please support us in our quest to raise as much money as we can for this amazing cause. We are really keen to do our bit to help fund the ongoing work and research to find a cure. Cancer CAN be beaten. Together we can achieve this!!! Our giving page is easy, fast and totally secure. Thank you.

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Total raised£1,670.00

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

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