Team page

Faye's team

Total raised


+ £577.50 Gift Aid

276%% Complete
276% of £900.00 target
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Four Student Midwives with no running experience completing a course to make a cancer patient laugh.


As you may know, one of closest friends Faye from our midwifery course has been diagnosed with lung cancer this year. Although she is currently on treatment to prolong her life, she unfortunately has been told that the cancer is terminal. As a result of this heartbreaking news she has had to give up her training to be a midwife (after being so close to finishing) and is struggling to do basic day to day things. We have decided that although we can't help Faye to get better, we can fight to try and stop this awful tragedy happening to other people. We have decided to join the Cancer Research Race for Life: Pretty Muddy 5k this October. We will be running as Midwives in our scrubs to stand up for our friend who has missed out on qualifying. We are raising money (every little helps!) and if you could pass the message to any friends and family too that would be incredible. Hopefully we will raise some money for a great cause, but more importantly provide some entertainment for Faye who will be laughing from the sidelines!

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Total raised£2,490.00

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