Team page

On Wednesdays, we wear pink

Total raised


+ £477.00 Gift Aid

495%% Complete
495% of £450.00 target
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We're walking 10k to raise as much as we can to beat cancer


I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2021. I was then re diagnosed in November with stage 4 secondary breast cancer at 35 years old. A double mastectomy was done and now chemotherapy is needed to keep me alive. Vital research is needed for people like me who don’t have any further options for treatment. Any donations can help ❤️

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Total raised£2,228.00

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

All donations made to this page will automatically be transferred to Cancer Research UK.