My Story
Thanks for visiting my fundraising page. I’m going to walk 100 miles equivalent to 234,000 steps throughout February to help raise money for Cancer Research UK. Please show your support and help fund life-saving research by donating to my page. My late dad passed away in June 2020 due to Oesophageal cancer. This type of cancer is often found too late for those suffering to have a positive outcome. The BEST4 trial (Pill-on-a-thread) began this week to monitor those who are at higher risk of developing Oesophageal Cancer. This involves swallowing a capsule on a thread which when it opens contains a sponge that collects cells from the oesophagus to detect cancerous or pre-cancerous cells. I am setting myself this challenge both as a personal goal to improve overall health but to also keep my dads memory alive. CHECK OUT THESE LINKS BELOW !! Sponge Trial could lead to new cancer screening: Can a capsule sponge change how we diagnose Oesophageal cancer?