My Story
My Mum was the best, I will always think myself lucky that she was my Mum, and my children’s Nana. We lost her last year after a five year battle with ovarian cancer. She was only just 65. She faced everything head on, brave and matter of fact. My Mum is an inspiration to me and I think of her every day. I miss her company, her advice and the laughs we had. So as we approach her 66th birthday and a year without Mum, I wanted, with Dad, Alan and our family’s support, to do something in her memory. This little idea formed and this challenge was born! She’d probably think I was mad. Over a month I pledge to run 100 miles, finishing with a half marathon on 21st May which would have been Mum’s 66th birthday. Eve, my 11 year old, will aim to do at least 30 miles with me. Lewis, my 6 year old, in his words “might do some!” We would be very grateful for any support you can give us and we hope it will help in a small way to towards early diagnosis of this cancer and a more positive outlook for those affected. Thank you for reading, Susan x #inmemoryofMairi #100milesforMum #30milesforNana