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Cancer Research UK Giving Page

Together we are beating cancer

Scott Marshall

Scott Marshall's "Longest-Day-Up" Motorbike Challenge 2023

Total raised


+ £437.37 Gift Aid

150%% Complete
150% of the £2,000.00 target

Wed 21 Jun 2023

My Story

CRUK are amazing - diligently undertaking vital research to battle all forms of cancer. I'm doing this challenge to do my part to financially support them and help raise their profile - for two really significant reasons. First, because their brilliant work, and that of the brilliant NHS, has meant I still have my Dad - need I say more - with their help he's beaten it! I'm also hoping to raise funds so CRUK can better understand, treat and prevent childhood Leukaemia which is poignant for us because my eldest son's best mate courageously battled against this cancer for so long - doing this in his memory too! How am I hoping to encourage your donations and support - The "Longest Day Up 2023" motorbike challenge is for a bunch of c.35 motorcyclists on "cheap and inappropriate" motorcycles to ride from Land’s End to John O'Groats (950 miles ish) 24hrs (!)....on the longest day of the year 21st June. Pause for that to sink in, if not read again! 21st June ....900 miles, 24 hrs, motorbike...oh and no motorways! So, with your support I'm importantly raising life saving funds for cancer research (and my having some fun and an epic challenge on a motorbike). For those with limited time that's it! Scroll to bottom and please donate as generously as you can for this incredible cause and wish me well! Thank you for reading, your interest and most importantly your support! ....however, if you have more time and would like to read more then you're welcome to read on and check out some photos! _________________________________________________________ Well.....those who know me well know I have a passion for all things two wheeled whether human, petrol, electric powered etc... So, the story began in late 2022 when I happened to see in my monthly copy of RIDE Magazine that there are an intrepid bunch of motorcyclers who each year undertake the above mentioned epic/impossible challenge - all in aid of raising funds to help beat cancer! As I read I learnt that 2023 is the 10th anniversary of this event and so far raising over £360k for this important charity....I was impressed this "proper" challenge and by what this group has accomplished, led by John McAvoy, so far and rather impulsively dropped John a line and ask for a place for this year........without considering some important facts: (1) I hadn't ever done more than wash and clean my motorcycles, never mind mechanic them (left this to the experts), (2) I couldn't really store another one without some serious "logistics" issues, and (3) I've not really ever ridden more than 300 miles in one day before! Anyway, lets focus on the mission! Challenge #1 - buy a motorbike for under £600 Sounds simple enough but do check Autotrader, Ebay, Gumtree and I'm sure you'll quickly gather that there is no roadworthy bike under £1,000 particularly factoring in recent world events like pandemic, rampant inflation and new bike supply issues! Add to that that l've also to contend the the inside the M25 factor and my lack of mechanic-ing skills....and so I did what you shouldn't do - buy the first bike you see because there may not be any others! Anyway on that sunny morning a number of weeks ago I felt I'd ace'd it! And so did the guy selling her! In reality he did, and I didn't... The bike - yes a beauty! Check out the photo's - a £500 all in, black, 1998 (or 25 year old) Yamaha XJ600 S Diversion - just run in at 60,000 miles..... Challenge #2 - Make the bike roadworthy And, yes, it did run on the day I bought it and it was delivered ominously in a van the next day!....with a clattery clutch, leaky front suspension, dodgy front brakes, engine covered in oil leaking from unknown locations (handily working as an effective rust proofer), flat and perished old tyres, badly cracked body panels, rust, paint flaking, a seat that had a car innertube wrapped around to hide a worn out resemblance of a seat cover and wet soggy foam, ....and much more besides and still to be discovered.... oh on the plus side, it did come with a brand new rear tyre which meant that I could add £100 to the kitty to fix her up, now having a massive £200! Challenge #3 - Fund raise [and I've added explore carbon neutrality] I've set a hopefully achievable £2k target to support CRUK and to motivate me - and yes this is where you come in if that's okay please - it would be greatly appreciated if you would kindly reflect on this mission and if you are happy to do so, support CRUK and myself to reach this target. It would be amazing! [And as an additional commitment I'm going to offset the carbon impacts associated with this venture - already replacing normal car journey's with my push bike, saving a motorbike from teh scrap heap and of course sourcing pre-loved parts etc.] Challenge #4 - Get myself saddle fit Easier said than done - and I've almost run out of time getting the bike ready to do this! Typically a biker will ride out around 150-250 miles on a decent run and that's probably enough time in the saddle each day. For this challenge here it's x5. Update 16/6/23: So, I've managed a few runs out to check everything works but decided that big long runs would reduce the likelihood of achieving distance on the day so I've done a few longer rides on my other bike to get myself ready! A 600mile trip in 11 hours was a touch tiring! I'm think padded cycling shorts may help! And some padding from an old camping mat strapped on ;) Challenge #5 - 21st June - Complete the challenge!! We have the route! YES!! So now all I have to do is ride down to Cornwall on Monday 19th and then the 950+ mile distance on the 21st - all in 24 hours - dawn Wednesday till dawn Thursday 22nd! You might need to read that twice...? Thank you for reading this and please do donate generously as you are able - no pressure and support greatly appreciated! The bike is now called Betty after a gorgeous little puppy who's owner kindly sponsored me at Rykas a week or so ago! Updates to follow at key stages! Thanks again so much for reading all the way down! Photos below. :) Scott


Preventing cancer

Understanding the causes of different cancers and preventing more cases could save many thousands of lives. Help fund Cancer Research UK's research programmes that look into ways to help reduce people's risk of developing cancer.

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Total raised£3,000.00

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Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247). A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales(4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F).

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