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Cancer Research UK Giving Page

Together we are beating cancer

Sam Nicola

Sam's Giving Page

Total raised


+ £984.50 Gift Aid

100%% Complete
100% of the £9,000.00 target

2022 London Marathon

Sun 1 Aug 2021 - Tue 31 Aug 2021

Strava activity tracker



Distance travelled 149 miles

In memory of

My dad Michael Nicola.

My Story

I am raising money in memory of my dad, who was diagnosed with renal (Kidney) cancer. In December 2019 just 2 days before Christmas, discovered purely by accident whilst having an ultrasound scan for his liver. My brother and I were not told until our mum and dad thought the time was right, as somehow, they thought it would be cured again as my dad also had cancer (bladder) in 1999 but survived. We were told that dad had been diagnosed and needed an operation to remove the kidney tumour in March 2020, but his operation (like many others) was delayed just 12 hours before due to COVID 19, the week of the first lockdown. The operation (partial nephrectomy) to remove part of his kidney finally went ahead in late May and our family were all led to believe the surgery was successful. A few months after the operation, dad started to complain about a pain in his ribs and a real neck ache but we never thought much of it. Mum contacted the hospital and spoke to the cancer specialist nurse to explain that the symptoms were causing concern, the cancer specialist nurse organised yet another CT scan. We had the worst possible news, the unthinkable. The cancer had come back. However, at this stage (August 2020) it was still thought to be manageable and we were hopeful that a combination of the latest treatments would work. Dad was a fighter and was trying everything to make himself better. He was so strong and never backed down. As September, October and November passed dad started to go in and out of hospital for radiotherapy and immunotherapy sessions, and he was also taking Chemotherapy tablets. Sometimes the hospital, I thought, was better for him, as at home he could be in serious pain at times which was unmanageable without specialist help, it was heartbreaking for the whole family to see. Sadly I was very wrong. Just a few days after my 30th birthday, which mum organised to be spent on FaceTime to dad from his hospital bed, we were delivered the devastating news that his condition had deteriorated rapidly to such a level that our whole world as we knew it just shattered. What felt like the blink of an eye and still completely out of the blue I was told my dad had until the end of the week to live. From that moment on myself, mum and brother never left his side for a second. My mum was constantly with him through everything but from that memorable Tuesday until Sunday 15th November 2020 when he closed his eyes for the last time and was pain free, he was never ever alone. We were incredibly lucky during the middle of the pandemic that the hospital allowed us to practically ‘camp out’ in his private room. We as a family are so very thankful as well, especially to the incredible care and compassion shown from the palliative care team. Even with this news I tried to keep spirits high, looked to the sky every day just hoping we could find a miracle, but as the days went on, the news we were all being told as a family became true. Even with all that was happening, my hero dad kept smiling, kept laughing and showed so much strength. I’m running the London Marathon and putting together this mini football tournament to help raise money in the hope that other families don’t have to go through what we had to with the help of better treatments and of course the patient care and invaluable family support that runs alongside it. Thank you for visiting my Fundraising Page. All the money I raise from running the London Marathon and the mini football tournament will go towards helping to fund life-saving research and to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. Cancer has touched almost everyone in one way or another, be that family, friends, neighbours or work colleagues. Let’s do something really worthwhile amidst the biggest health crisis the world has ever seen. Making a donation could change someone's life and you can be part of that… and dad would be delighted!!!


Developing better treatments

Clinical trials are vital for improving cancer treatments and making them available to patients. Cancer Research UK supports more than 250 clinical trials across the UK, and its ground-breaking research has saved the lives of many thousands of people in the UK and all over the world. A donation can help this vital work continue.

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Total raised£9,040.00

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

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Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247). A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales(4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F).

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