Rose Hawney

Rose's Race for Life

Total raised


+ £251.25 Gift Aid

547%% Complete
547% of the £200.00 target

London - Blackheath 10k 2019

Sun 30 Jun 2019 - Sun 30 Jun 2019

We are taking part in Race for Life to raise money to beat cancer sooner

My Story

My name is Rose and I recently had a brush with Cancer. My journey started back in February 2018, I was creaming my body as I did everyday. I felt a lump on the back of my thigh and naively I thought it was muscle, as I had been in the gym in recent months. Fast forward to August 2018, I was on holiday with my Mum and I casually mentioned the lump, which my Mum said 'well you need to see a doctor'. Which of course I did. The doctor sent me for an ultrasound saying it was probably a fatty harmless lump. After the first ultrasound everything happened very quickly. I was transferred to a specialist hospital called The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital they had a main hospital based in Stanmore. They were investigating to check if the lump was Cancerous. Another ultrasound, MRI, biopsy and CT scan later brings it to 8th November 2018, which was the day I was seeing my consultant Mr A Johnston. This is a day I will never forget. I was told I had Cancer. It was called Myxoid Liposarcoma. It was a very rare Cancer. The following weeks I found an inner strength to cope and I accepted that I had Cancer. It all happened so quickly, I was booked in for surgery on 24th November 2018. The drive to the hospital, very early, on the morning of the surgery, I have never felt so weird in all my life. I was feeling a mix of fear, nerves and a sense of peace knowing that by the end of that day the Cancerous lump would no longer be in my body. The moment the nurse told me I needed to change and prepare for theatre, I had an emotional breakdown, the reality had hit me and I could not stop crying. My experience in hospital was amazing, I had never had to go to hospital for anything ever before. The nurses were really reassuring and there to comfort me at all times. My doctor was very calm, patient and understanding. The doctors and nurses are amazing people and they make your experience in hospital, I sincerely thank them from the bottom of my heart. And on the 26th November 2018 I was heading home to continue to recover. 28th December 2018, Christmas was a blur, and this was the day I was going to find out if I was Cancer free. Or whether it had spread and I needed radiotherapy and that the surgery was not successful. I was extremely lucky, it had not spread and the surgery was successful!! This was a great day. What I learnt through my experience with Cancer was that I am much stronger than I thought emotionally. I am a tough girl and I can get through tough times. I have signed up to take part in Race for Life because I want to continue proving to myself I am strong and to give back to the doctors, nurses and hospital that helped me through the hardest time of my life. I want to thank a few people, my Mum, the most strongest person I know in the entire world, who was there with me throughout my journey I could not have survived without the support of my Mum. My partner for taking all the stress and taking me back and forth to my appointments and looking after my Mum on the 24th November. To Jonny, you know why, your words were more powerful than you will ever know. All my friends and family who sent me good wishes throughout and supported me with all they had. To my church St Barnabas Eltham who all took part in praying for me, which was extremely touching and I am forever grateful for that. And finally to all my best friends, Andie, Jo, Frankki, Deanna, Cherylea, Nnema and Marie you all know why. A special thank you to Jo and Frankkii who are taking part in this journey with me. Please donate what you can it all counts. Thank You So Much xx


All Cancer Types

Our work has helped double cancer survival in the UK in the last 50 years. Despite this incredible progress, there’s more to be done. Nearly 1 in 2 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. Help us carry out world-class research into the prevention, detection and treatment of more than 200 types of cancer.

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Total raised£1,095.00

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