My Story
In November 2017, at the age of 34, during a routine check they found a tumor and I became a cancer patient. My incredible surgeon performed a bowel resection straight away but a subsequent PET scan revealed the disease had spread to my liver. Another major operation, eleven cycles of chemo and many hard days later I was back on my feet with clear scans and a future I thought I mightn't have. It is because of the skill of two amazing surgeons, an unbelievable oncologist, my amazing team of nurses, a relentlessly inquisitive wife and the work of Cancer Research that I am still alive today. The progress Cancer Research has made over the last three decades means I was given a chance at survival, this was a chance my grandmother didn't have when she fell ill with the disease in the mid-1980's. Having been through the horrors of cancer, I want to do everything I can to help the research effort. Over the past few of years, we have raised enough money to fund 8 years of PhD cancer research. I will be swimming a mile each day again this May, joined by friends along the way! Thanks for your support!!!