My Story
Cancer tore the heart out of us last year when it took my wonderful brother Jonathan. My little brother. My best friend. My best man. I shouldn't have had to have said goodbye to him at the age of 37, holding his hand as he quietly slipped away. I shouldn't have had to witness his little boy walk to school for the first time without his daddy, or my son growing up without knowing his uncle. Life will never be the same for those he left behind. I miss him so much, every day I get up and keep going without him, despite the daily gut-punch I feel waking up into a reality I never expected. But on the 8th Sept in Liverpool, with Jenna and friends I'll be walking with people that loved him most, the closest I can get to having him by my side again. Every single pound you donate makes a difference to Cancer Research UK’s ground breaking work and every single pound will bring an end to this for others sooner.