Maren Deepwell

Maren's Race for Life

Total raised


+ £80.00 Gift Aid

185%% Complete
185% of the £200.00 target

Oxford 5k 2019

Sun 14 Jul 2019 - Sun 14 Jul 2019

This Giving Page is now closed

Thank you for raising money for life-saving work. All the money raised is being used to help beat cancer

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My mum and I are taking part to celebrate another year together as a family

My Story

We are raising money to say thank you and give back to those who have saved my mum’s life and give us more time together as a family. I started running for a Race for Life in 2016 when we were uncertain how much time we would have together. Since then, I’ve run many miles, and this year I’m participating in three half marathons, but this is the only race we are fundraising for as this marks a big milestone. We participate to share hope and support for everyone affected by cancer and to add our thanks for all the kindness we have met with. After a lot of illness this year we will won’t be setting any new mother & daughter PBs but we are going to participate and keep going :)


All Cancer Types

Our work has helped double cancer survival in the UK in the last 50 years. Despite this incredible progress, there’s more to be done. Nearly 1 in 2 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. Help us carry out world-class research into the prevention, detection and treatment of more than 200 types of cancer.

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Total raised£370.00

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

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