My Story
Hi everyone, my name is Marco but people also know me as Mark or Debo and I'm here to share with you my little story. My mum is a breast cancer survivor but her life and health got significantly affected by the therapies she was subjected to; other people in my family have not been that lucky, some of them didn't make it and others are still fighting right now. This is not just my story though, this is also the story of people very close to me and their beloved ones who have been touched by this admittedly terrible disease and also the story of many other people out there and for whom I feel and share the pain of going through this whether they are personally afflicted or witnessing someone fighting for their life. Cancer affects way too many and we need all the help possible to fund the research, so here is what I did and what I will be doing. Here is the deal! On the 1st January I went clean shaven and I started growing the healthiest and longest beard I possibly could with the idea of dying it in CRUK pink on the 1st December and proudly go out and about London to hopefully raise more awareness and importantly money. For every £100 people will donate I will keep my beard pink for an extra day which means, if we can reach the goal of £3000 by December I will make it pink and keep it like that for the whole month. Can you imagine what impact that can have around London for an entire month? I'm confident that in doing so I will be able to get even more people to join my fundraising and increase the donation to the research significantly. Yes it's a bit of a stunt but why not? My idea is that people will definitely be curious, likely reach out and I will able to direct them to this page and contribute as well. I do also understand not everyone can donate and that's completely fine but you can still help; I'm a bit of a tin foil hat myself and I'm not on the common social media, I'm not on Facebook, I'm not on Instagram and I don't even use WhatsApp so please help me share my story with as many people as possible and let's help each other defeat the beast! Thanks a lot to everyone!