Lyndsey Allen

Lyndsey's fundraising page

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+ £2.50 Gift Aid

60%% Complete
60% of the £50.00 target

Middlesbrough 5k 2017

Sun 4 Jun 2017

Simply, my wonderful amazing Mum x

My Story

My amazing mum has gone through cancer twice and still ongoing. All the doctors and nurses have been fantastic and I wanted to give a little something back to Cancer research so it may help another family one day eradicate this awful disease. My mum and I have entered Race for Life, after my recent knee operation 5k is about the furthest I can go. Our family has been seriously emotionally rocked since the initial news of my mums cancer and after being in the chemo unit and seeing just how many friends and colleagues families have been affected by this horrendous disease. We will be walking side by side with hundreds of strangers united by the same cause, I realise how lucky I am to have such a strong incredible family and amazing friends. Every penny raised will really help to save lives and I hope its the start of someday finding the cure and ending the pain. I would like to say THANK YOU to a woman who will never know how special she is, who will never see the strength in her bravery, a woman who has always been there for everybody else. I have always realised how fortunate I am to have you and we will always walk together, forever. "YOU ARE THE PERFECT BLEND OF A MOTHER AND MY BEST FRIEND" ❤️


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Cancer survival rates have doubled over the past 40 years. Consistent progress is being made but improvements to technology and ground-breaking work offer new opportunities to find different ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer and improve survival rates even further. Help Cancer Research UK improve results even faster.

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Total raised£30.00

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