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Cancer Research UK Giving Page

Together we are beating cancer

Llinos Roberts

Llinos & Eirian

Total raised


+ £30.00 Gift Aid

151%% Complete
151% of the £2,000.00 target

My Story

Thanks for visiting our fundraising page. Diolch am edrych ar ein tudalen codi Arian. Rydym wedi penderfynu cymeryd rhan yn y sialens o gerdded 100 milltir yr un yn ystod mis Chwefror gan obeithio codi cyn gymaint o arian a phosib tuag at Ymchwil Canser DU Yn bersonol mae’r elusen yma yn agos iawn at ein calonnau oherwydd yn ystod Hâf 2022 fe gafodd ein gwŷr eu diagnosio o Ganser o fewn chydig wythnosau i’w gilydd ac yn dal i effeithio teulu agos a ffrindiau. Gwerthfawrogwn unrhyw gyfraniad tuag at yr elusen bwysig yma ac os hoffai unrhyw un ymuno â ni ar unrhyw un o’n teithiau cerdded, cysylltwch â ni😁 We have both decided to take on the challenge of walking 100 miles each in February and hope to raise as much money as possible for Cancer Research UK. Personally this cause is very close to our hearts as in Summer 2022 both our husbands were diagnosed with Cancer within weeks of each other and it continues to affect our immediate family and close friends. Any donation towards this very important cause is very much appreciated and if anyone would like to join us on any of our walks please get in touch 😁


All Cancer Types

Our work has helped double cancer survival in the UK in the last 50 years. Despite this incredible progress, there’s more to be done. Nearly 1 in 2 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. Help us carry out world-class research into the prevention, detection and treatment of more than 200 types of cancer.

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Total raised£3,034.65

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

All donations made to this page will automatically be transferred to Cancer Research UK.
