Llinos a Hawys
Total raised
+ £86.25 Gift Aid
Aberystwyth 5k 2018
Sun 14 May 2017
In memory of a loved one and to raise as much as we can to help beat cancer
In memory of
John Davies
Mae Hawys a fi yn rhedeg Race For Life yn Aberystwyth ar y 14eg o Fai er cof am fy nhad a fu farw o lymphoma 9 mlynedd yn ol. Rydym ni'n dwy yn ddiolchgar iawn am unrhyw gyfraniad. Roedd Dad yn ddyn arbennig ac rydym yn gweld ei eisiau bob dydd.❤️ Hawys and I are running the Race For Life in Aberystwyth on May 14th in memory of my father who died of lymphoma 9 years ago. We would really appreciate any contributions. My Dad was a really special man and we miss him every day ❤️
Survival rates for many types of lymphoma has increased significantly – now, twice as many people survive non-Hodgkin lymphoma as in the 1970s. And four out of five people will survive Hodgkin's lymphoma, compared to fewer than half of patients in the 1970s. Help Cancer Research UK improve effective treatments and survival with your donation.
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