My Story
2022 will be my 6th consecutive year of entry to the Pink Ladies' Tractor Road Run for Breast Cancer Research. You could be forgiven for thinking "oh no, not again!" The trouble is that every year around 11,500 women and 85 men die from breast cancer in the UK – that’s nearly 1,000 deaths each month, 31 each day or one every 45 minutes. However, thanks to breast cancer research it is predicted that around 3 in 4 (75.9%) of women diagnosed with breast cancer in England survive their disease for ten years or more. But this needs to be improved and with earlier detection, and further research, more women and men will survive this disease for longer. I hope that you are able to sponsor me if you are able to. Thank you. Pink Ladies' Pink Tractor Road Run in aid of breast cancer Research for Cancer Research UK. Come and join this amazing event and be part of this special team. This will be the postponed 18th year of the event and so far, they have raised over £800,000 for the charity and are aiming for the million. If you are unable to take part, please feel free to donate in support of these amazing women.