My Story
I am fundraising for Cancer Research UK because cancer has very sadly affected friends, family members of mine in the past and people who I knew very well. This is my way of doing something amazing in their memory. I am running in memory of some really amazing people who meant a lot to me in different ways. I will be running in memory of my grandad who was ever so brave in his battle, Hayleigh Brown who was an amazing brave young lady who sadly passed away at 12 years old, Danny Walker sadly passed away in his early 30's, who was a PE Teacher of mine and he played a massive part with my development as a person, Dave Richmond who was also a PE Teacher at my school and he also played a massive part in my development as a person. I am also running in memory of an amazing man called John Staff, who was a club historian for Scunthorpe United Football Club and he sadly passed away this year in May 2024. John shared so many stories with me especially about Scunthorpe United and he was always a joy to listen to. His passion for the club could never ever be questioned, he lived and breathed the football club. Running The London Marathon is well and truly a dream come true for me. I want to thank you all so much in advance for your amazing support once again. I am very much looking forward to representing Cancer Research UK at the start line in London on Sunday April 27th 2025.