My Story
Hi Everyone, Thank you for visiting my Just Giving page – I need YOU to help me make a difference! I will be running 5k every day for 365 days, raising money for Cancer Research UK. This means NO REST DAYS. Starting from my home in Sheffield on Monday 3rd May 2021, I will finish at the same place on Monday 2nd May 2022. Who knows what cities and countries I will be able to run in over the course of the year (Covid permitting). The total running distance will be 1,825 km!! To put this into context.....I am NOT a runner. On 1st March 2021 I started the Couch to 5k challenge, and less than 2 months later I am committing to a 365 day run. Some facts about Cancer: - 16% of people die from Cancer. - Scarily, more than half of all cancers are preventable. - 140 women are diagnosed every day in the UK with Breast Cancer. The stats are shocking, and we need to do something about it. If one life is saved by me doing this challenge, if someone checks their breasts, or uses Cancer Research UK for advice and help – then it’s been worth it. When we live in a world where social media can be so powerful, I want to do something that stands out, something that will push me to my limit and test my discipline and determination. I’ll also be using this time and challenge to use my platform to give the charity, mental health experts and survivors a platform to tell their story. Please donate to this amazing charity, and of course keep up to date with my training and challenge in 2021 / 2022 follow my journey on instagram @ivomaciel1. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it! Thank you for your support, it means so much to me and the Cancer Research UK Team. In memory of my mother Graca Maciel who lost her battle to breast cancer in 2012. Ivo x