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Cancer Research UK Giving Page

Together we are beating cancer

Ian Patterson

Team New Forest (RAAM) Giving Page

Total raised


+ £1,335.00 Gift Aid

138%% Complete
138% of the £6,000.00 target

In memory of

Juliet Angell, Jan Sibley, Dave Bottomley, David Morfett, Christine Pennington, Eddie Drum

My Story

We are 4 keen cyclists/triathletes who have entered Race Across America (RAAM) which starts on the 16th June 2018 in Oceanside, California. The race covers 3000miles (and goes through 12 states) and finishes on the East coast of America in Annapolis. This non stop race will test the cyclists and the 11 strong crew team. We have a strong team and our competitive nature means we want to race and be competitive against other teams from all over the world. Apart from the competitive side of the event, we also see the need to raise money for Cancer Research UK as we have all been touched by cancer. I (Ian) lost my Sister Juliet back in January 2015 and John lost his Mom Jan back in 2016. Lee and Nick have also been touched by the loss of many close relatives to our good friends. So whilst we will be giving our all to be the first team across the states, we will also be thinking of our loved ones and fundraising from such a good cause. So follow our journey and we will see you on the other side.


All Cancer Types

Our work has helped double cancer survival in the UK in the last 50 years. Despite this incredible progress, there’s more to be done. Nearly 1 in 2 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. Help us carry out world-class research into the prevention, detection and treatment of more than 200 types of cancer.

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Total raised£8,291.66

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

All donations made to this page will automatically be transferred to Cancer Research UK.
