My Story
I am doing this in memory of my mum who died at 51 from cancer and Stella Currie my mother in law who was there for me when my mum died and has been there for me ever since until she died last month. They both played a huge part in my life. My husband Shaun was diagnosed with myeloma cancer over two years ago. Although at the moment it is not curable it is treatable. It is incredible what can be done these days to keep cancer at bay. Please help people who have cancer get cured, or at least live long lives because of the miraculous treatments that continue to be developed. I have read many times that 1 in 2 people will get cancer during their lifetime so it might be your life that cancer research saves. Thank you for ANY donation you can afford. It all helps! Small amounts build up to big amounts. I will do my part by skipping 100 skips a day. If my back starts playing up I will do 100 rows on our rowing machine ( once I blow the dust off it 🤣 ) Helen xx