My Story
In September 2019, my dear mum was diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer at age 50. With great pity, on 6th April 2021, after a wonderful Easter Sunday with the family she created and cherished, she lost her battle and passed away in the arms of her loving husband and my fantastic father, Tony. Mum was continuously brave in face of her illness. She got on with life throughout her final 18 months and ensured it was filled with laughter and friends and people she loved. In her final weeks, despite the deterioration in her health, she repeatedly said "I can't believe how lucky I am" - having been dealt an awful hand, mum's focus was on how blessed she was to have such a loving family looking after her. Love that she had nurtured and allowed to prosper by being an extraordinary mum and wife. I am thankful for all the memories I was able to make with her, all the laughter we shared and life lessons I received. Never will a day pass where she will not be dearly missed by so many. I trained for this marathon in early 2020 with the hope I would be greeted at the finish line by mum with her typical big smile on her face. Unfortunately, coronavirus restrictions delaying the marathon have meant this will no longer be the case, but I know she will be with me the entire length of the journey from starting training to crossing the finish line. I am thankful to anyone who is able to make a donation to this page. All of the money goes directly to funding research designed to improve cancer treatment and early detection of the disease. We will all know someone who is diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Let's give them the best fighting chance possible.