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Cancer Research UK Giving Page

Together we are beating cancer

Emma Vadhesha

Race to the stones 100km race 2021

Total raised


+ £810.00 Gift Aid

842%% Complete
842% of the £425.00 target

Sat 10 Jul 2021

This Giving Page is now closed

Thank you for raising money for life-saving work. All the money raised is being used to help beat cancer

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In memory of


My Story

After completing race to the stones 50km I said I was glad to have ticked that off my list but never wanted to do it again! 2 years later here I am going back to tackle the full 100km!🙈 2020 was heartbreaking for us as a family. Dad was sadly diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in June and passed away in September. After losing him so quickly and cruely, I really needed something to motivate and focus my grief. Running gives me that head space. If Dad can go through what he did with such dignity and bravery, I can run, walk and if needs be crawl around the route in his memory. Dad always supported and encouraged me and I will be thinking of him every step of the way. Hopefully the money raised will go towards funding vital research and increasing cancer survival rates. Thank you for visiting my page. All donations are hugely appreciated. If your free come cheer me on and throw some jelly babies my way! 😂🏃🏼‍♀️


Lung cancer

Each year more than 43,500 people are diagnosed with lung cancer in the UK. We urgently need to drive progress so that more people survive their disease. Cancer Research UK is at the forefront in lung cancer research and is funding various projects to tackle the disease head on. This includes the TRACERx study, Cancer Research UK’s largest investment into lung cancer to date. This study has already transformed our understanding of how lung cancer evolves and is continuing to shed light on how to prevent, detect and treat the disease.

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Total raised£3,580.00

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

All donations made to this page will automatically be transferred to Cancer Research UK.