Emily Sherwood

Emily's Race for Life

Total raised


+ £77.50 Gift Aid

106%% Complete
106% of the £300.00 target

Exeter 10k 2018

Sun 22 Jul 2018

I'm running this 10k for my dad, and for completely unstreamlined tall women everywhere.

My Story

My dad, Tim, was diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma a few years back. This year he'll be undergoing treatment. After Dad's diagnosis, my sister Jess and I signed up for Race for Life 2015 to do our first 10ks. Unfortunately, that year I ended up needing emergency surgery a couple of weeks before the race, so Jess ran it alone. But in 2016 we completed it together. Last year was the first year we didn't sign up, mostly because I became preoccupied with the small issue of getting married. Dad walked me down the aisle and gave a suitably embarrassing speech. And he's going to do the same when it's Jess's turn (partner TBC). So to that aim - this year Team Holyoake optimistically strides forward for the third time. Jess is a lot fitter these days (since she's planning to become a personal trainer like some sort of healthy, motivated person) but if anything I have become even more attached to my sofa and my knitting. So please give as generously as you can. (By the way: we're running this in Exeter, even though I'll have moved Oop North by the time it gets to the race itself. I'm strongly considering signing up for another 10k in the Midlands if I meet my first target of £200, just in case that motivates you...) ETA: Okay, I've done it, I've signed up to run two of these things. Nottingham on June 3rd, Exeter on July 22nd. Let's do this.


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Total raised£320.00

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