Edmea Gori

Edmea's fundraising page

Total raised


+ £558.75 Gift Aid

131%% Complete
131% of the £2,000.00 target

Pretty Muddy Blackpool 5k 2017

Sat 23 Sep 2017

This Giving Page is now closed

Thank you for raising money for life-saving work. All the money raised is being used to help beat cancer

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My amazing dad, along with many of my relatives and friends relatives who have all faced cancer!

In memory of

Giancarlo Gori

7th Aug 1957 - 12th May 2017

My Story

My super brave dad and many other relatives of mine and of my friends are what has inspired me to sign up for race for life! My dad sadly passed away in early hours of the morning on the 12th of May after recently been diagnosed with lung cancer which had spread to the brain. So I'm trying to raise as much money as I can for cancer research and hopefully make my dad the proudest angel through doing this race for life event with my best friend who has also had very close family members including her grandma who have suffered from cancer, in hope that we can help Fight this crappy disease in some way!!! #togetherwewillbeatcancer I started my fundraising page before dad passed and my target was £1000, his passing and the support we have received from everyone ha made me up my target to make him even prouder!!! Even the smallest donation will help in finding future cures and in allowing research for this terrible illness which affects so many people on a daily basis!!! Please help me by sponsoring me and hopefully together we can help save some lives!!! 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Every single pound you donate makes a difference to Cancer Research UK’s groundbreaking work, so please sponsor me now. Donating through this page is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with Cancer Research UK.


All Cancer Types

Cancer survival rates have doubled over the past 40 years. Consistent progress is being made but improvements to technology and ground-breaking work offer new opportunities to find different ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer and improve survival rates even further. Help Cancer Research UK improve results even faster.

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Total raised£2,620.00

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

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Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247). A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales(4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F).

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