Damien Walsh

Dame Over

Total raised


+ £31.75 Gift Aid

73%% Complete
73% of the £200.00 target

Giving Cancer Game Over

Tue 23 Oct 2018 - Fri 23 Nov 2018

In memory of

My Grandad

My Story

Welcome to the fundraising page, this is what really counts with my live stream on on October 30th 2018, if you are able to give anything at all it will go straight to where it is needed most in order to help stop cancer as soon as possible. As I'm sure a lot of people have, I have been personally affected by cancer, family members and friends have been taken before their time because of this disease which does not care for age, creed, colour, politics or any of the things that make us human. I hope you can find some way to contribute even if it is spreading the word of this giving page to others. People need our help and hopefully we can come together and give it to them Donate to my page today and help bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.



100% of the money you raise goes towards speeding up life-saving research. Every day, scientists and researchers work tirelessly to beat cancer. But lab researchers will not get us there alone. Every penny raised helps speed up breakthroughs in the lab, transforming them into new tests and treatments for patients who need them. The research you fund will help us see 3 in 4 people in the UK survive their cancer by 2034.

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Total raised£147.00

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

All donations made to this page will automatically be transferred to Cancer Research UK.

Registered with Fundraising Regulator

Stand Up To Cancer and Stand Up To Cancer Brand Marks are registered trademarks of the Entertainment Industry Foundation. Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland(SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247). A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales (4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F). Registered address: 2 Redman Place, London, E20 1JQ. Donations will be made to Cancer Research UK in support of the Stand Up To Cancer campaign.

2 Redman PlaceLondonE20 1JQ