Claire Boneham

Claire's Giving Page

Total raised


+ £11.25 Gift Aid

90%% Complete
90% of the £50.00 target

Sheffield 10k 2023

Sun 11 Jun 2023 - Sun 11 Jun 2023

My Story

Well, I'm eating my words and doing something I said I would never, ever do: running for charity. Add to that my impassioned views on running at all and I'm eating a lot of humble pie right now... My running journey began out of a mixture of loneliness and desperation in the pandemic when knowing very few people in Newcastle combined with my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME) got me to give the couch to 5k a go along with my best friend (despite her being in sunny Walsall). I later joined fantastic cycling groups (shout out to FLAB Nuthumberland and South Tyneside) who really boosted my journey to actually enjoying exercise. Jumping forward to Sheffield and the hills combined with transport issues dented my cycling journey and I returned to running to try to help with my ME management. It's been an uphill journey (wheeeeey!) but a friend talking me into signing up for the Great North Run (GNR) back in February encouraged me to stick to a plan rigidly, only for us to only go and get a bloody ballot place... This is where you come in. This page is technically fundraising for my training run of 10k to keep me on the straight and narrow towards my half-marathon goal - and because everyone keeps telling me that if you can run hills everything else is easy. I have a sneaking suspicion that's like when they tell you injections won't hurt: complete bollocks. I have another page for my GNR charity: ME association. Please feel free to donate to either/or or even both if you are particularly keen! The link to the ME association page is below, with more information about ME and my life with it: Cancer Research needs no introduction from me and with the frightening statistic of one in two of us getting cancer in our lives I doubt there are many people whom it's not affected, directly or indirectly. Any amount you can give would be gratefully received! Now to make it through to June and September... Tarr very much for taking the time to visit this page! Claire


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Total raised£45.00

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