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Cancer Research UK Giving Page

Together we are beating cancer

Cecilia Pryce

Cecilia (very special)2023 Pink Tractor Run

Total raised


+ £580.75 Gift Aid

103%% Complete
103% of the £3,000.00 target

To make everyone proud - especially my dad!

My Story

Thanks for taking the time to visit my Giving Page. This will be my 6th Pink Ladies Tractor Run. I have opened this page very early for one reason and that is to make sure I do my best to raise as much as possible to help the “ladies” and our “tractors” to reach the £1million target. Over the years I have seen so much passion for this event. It touches the hearts and minds of those taking part and all of those in the local area. It’s impossible not to shed a tear when taking part in this event and unfortunately we are all aware of friends, colleagues and family who have been touched by cancer. Many of us have scares both on our bodies and on our heart and the more we can do to save the next generation having to go through such pain has to be a good thing. Please help us to help others to beat cancer. This year I am embarking on servicing the Dexta myself…. Good or bad idea we wait and see but you are never too old to learn and ultimately I know it would make my Dad proud - shame that with most things in life I didn’t find the time to do it with him as he would have been very useful to have had around rather than YouTube! Air filter done, oil and fuel next weekend! Thanks to those who have found me the manuals and offered encouragement including the Dereham Machinery club who opened this years donations. Cecilia


Breast cancer

With almost 140 women diagnosed every day, breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. And, although rarer, around 350 men are also diagnosed with breast cancer every year. The good news is more than two-thirds of women now survive 20 years or more. Help Cancer Research UK find new ways to diagnose and treat the disease.

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Total raised£3,101.00

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

All donations made to this page will automatically be transferred to Cancer Research UK.
