Cally Ancell

Cally's fundraising page

Total raised


+ £12.50 Gift Aid

140%% Complete
140% of the £100.00 target

Pretty Muddy Brighton 5k 2017

Sun 2 Jul 2017

To do all I can to try and combat this awful disease.

My Story

Once again I am doing my bit for Race for Life. This year because of prior arrangements I can not do any of the local 5k races so I am entering the Muddy Run. For those of you that know me, you know that I do not do mud and dirt so this will be a big challenge for me but if it means that I can help to try and find a cure for this awful disease then I will overcome my phobia of mud!! Again I will be doing this in memory of my mum & dad and my cousin, all of whom lost their battle against this disease and for my friend, Paul who is still fighting but mainly this year it will be for my brother in law, Ron who recently found out that his cancer had returned. So I ask you all please if you can help me reach my target. Thank you.


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Total raised£140.00

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