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Cancer Research UK Giving Page

Together we are beating cancer

Alicia Mckenna

Fighting pants are on!

Total raised


+ £1,941.34 Gift Aid

93%% Complete
93% of the £10,000.00 target

Mon 1 Mar 2021 - Wed 31 Mar 2021

My Story

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! Around 7 years ago I had the privilege of meeting an amazing group of women at our children's primary school. We've been through births, deaths, marriages,(and break ups), sick children, as well as amazing holidays, countless hideous kids' parties and more bottles of booze than we can count. In January 2020 our lovely pal Laura was diagnosed with a rare form of cervical cancer - small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. This only occurs in 1% of cervical cancers. In 2020 she endured 4 rounds of chemotherapy followed by 5 weeks of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. By this time we were in the first lockdown, making her treatment incredibly lonely. In April she then had two rounds of brachytherapy. In August 2020 she started to suffer from headaches and unfortunately this aggressive cancer had spread to her brain and for this she had a new cyber surgery treatment followed by whole brain radiotherapy. Her cancer has now spread to her liver and she is waiting for results to find out the next stage of her treatment. Laura is an all round wonderwoman. She was a nurse at a children's hospice and now she's a fantastic foster carer. She's an amazing mam to Max and Halle and wife to Scott. She's a fabulous friend to everyone. We've made this page to try and show our support in a time when we can't pop round for a cuppa or a dance in the kitchen, and we all feel pretty helpless. So the month of March is for all of us to get up and do something to raise some money to try and put a stop to this cruel disease. Please give generously


Rare cancers

Together, rare cancers make up more than 20% of all cancer cases. Help fund Cancer Research UK to look for ways to improve our understanding of these diseases to save more lives.

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Total raised£9,397.37

With Cancer Research UK Giving Pages more of the money raised goes towards beating cancer. Aside from the credit and debit card fees, every penny donated goes to Cancer Research UK.

All donations made to this page will automatically be transferred to Cancer Research UK.

Registered with Fundraising Regulator

Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247). A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales(4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F).

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