My Story
Employees of Albéa UK will be taking on the National 3 Peaks Challenge, this challenge must be completed in 24 hours including transport between each mountain and consists of walking up and down the 3 highest peaks in Britain. Albéa UK Colchester have organized and funded this charity challenge to show it's support for such a worthy cause. Ben Nevis, Scotland 1344M. Scafel Pike, England 978M. Snowden, Wales 1085M. Due to Colleagues, friends and family suffering from Cancer in recent years Albéa UK have collectively decided to take on this challenge in aid of Cancer research UK. With a team of eight representing Albéa, ages ranging from 30 to 60 it will be an arduous challenge. Justin Orr - Engineering department Ross Sherwood - Engineering department Gary Hilton - Engineering department Iain Mitchell - Tubes department Les Wilkin - Tubes department John Lavergata - Purchasing team Mo Backhouse - Warehouse Gavin McMillan - Warehouse Liam Rising - External Essex Police Personal reasons behind choosing Cancer Research UK Albéa Engineering team - Cancer is an awful disease that tends to effect everyone including employees of Albéa and having lost one of our own Neil Toon in 2018 at 47 years old. we as a team wish to take on this challenge to continue the fight against Cancer and remember those who have been lost to it. Mo Backhouse - Cancer is a blight that touches all our lives' at some time. There are no formulas or guaranties that will prevent us, having it invade our lives' at some point. When you hear the word cancer there is only fear and trauma be it directly or indirectly through our families and friends. Even surviving cancer still leaves its scars be it physically, emotionally or mentally. My mother, who was an employee of Albéa, was diagnosed with breast cancer On the 8th of March 2021. This was a very stressful and emotional time in her and our family’s life. Due to the extent of the cancer her only option was a mastectomy. The surgery was successful and now she is on regular check-ups and hormone medication. Following her Diagnosis mum has been an advocate for cancer screening. Following mums urgings, her sister my aunt has also been diagnosed with Breast cancer, but due to the early diagnosis she has only had to have a lumpectomy and is also on the road to recovery. Everyone has a story concerning this dreaded disease and by completing this challenge I hope to continue to raise awareness and help save lives. Gary Hilton - I would like to complete this challenge in memory of my mum, Judy Hilton who sadly died of cancer two years ago. Justin Orr - As well as close family and work colleagues suffering with cancer. My personal reason for taking on the 3 peak challenge for cancer research is because I lost my niece Chelsea at 27 years old to sarcoma a form of bone cancer. She had her whole life ahead of her and she fought it hard, but sadly died. I hope to help in the research and curing of this devastating disease. Gavin Mcmillan - 1 in 2 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. We all know someone who has suffered or has been taken from us by cancer. I've lost friends and family members to cancer. This is why I've chosen to take up this challenge to raise money for cancer research. Iain Mitchell - I never got the opportunity to meet my partners dad Don, a Jock like me, who was taken away too soon by cancer. I myself had a good mate Monty who battled through this disease having gone down the experimental drugs route, I've driven him to London for treatment and yes he beat it thank god. This is all down to how much further we are in finding a cure hopefully and the more we do to help, the more chance we have. Others we all know are less fortunate, Neil toon one of our colleagues and such a great guy, and we must not forget Mick Cowie, Mick was a great guy who battled and lost also. He will always be in our thoughts as will Neil. Any and all donations would be greatly appreciated to support a worthy cause.