My Story
Follow me live over the weekend 26/27th June on this link! Thank you for visiting my Fundraising Page. The money I raise will help fund life-saving research and to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. WHY WALK 105 MILES! in Early 2019 I was persuaded to sign up for the Cateran Yomp, a 54 mile charity walk from Blairgowrie to Glenshee and back, I didn't think I'd make the 54 miles! But after some serious training (with the help of some friends!) our team came home in 1st place with an individual placing of 5th= This has now become a fully blown 'mid life exercise crisis' We live and farm at Ardler in the Vale of Strathmore, but we also farm on The Black Isle, 124 miles North by road, 78 miles as the crow flies OR 105 miles if you walk it (avoiding most of the A9). My father has cycled between the farms (more than once) and so that has 'been done' so I thought - I could walk that! Initially I planned to take 4 or 5 days and stay overnight at Hotels in Aviemore/Braemar/Glenisla, but life is busy and that didn't seem like enough of a challenge! So I will be walking the 105 miles without stopping for sleep and aiming for somewhere between 30 and 36 hours farm to farm! The route is pictured in the header photo and is still to be finalised but for now it is as follows: Taeblair Farm to Farr - 15 miles Farr to Dalmigavie Lodge - 10 miles Dalmigavie to Coylumbridge - 18 miles Coylumbridge to White Bridge - 17 miles White Bridge to Enochdhu - 21 miles Enochdhu to Blairgowrie - 16.5 miles Blairgowrie to West Ardler - 7.5 miles I am a relatively sociable person (most of the time!) so I am looking for companions/pals/walkers/support/motivators for each of the 7 sections above! Just get in touch!